
Diabetes is one of the most frequent causes of blindness, kidney failure and amputation in seniors. It is also the main cause of heart disease and strokes. This is why it is important to inform the world population about what diabetes is, how it is prevented and how it is treated.

<a href=”http://o1visa.us/?attachment_id=5012#main” rel=”attachment wp-att-5012″><img class=”wp-image-5012 aligncenter” src=”http://o1visa.us/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/pro-1024×489.jpg” alt=”pro” width=”539″ height=”258″ /></a>

The IPRO Atlantic Quality Innovation Network, which operates since 2008, offers free workshops called “Everyone with Diabetes Counts” (EDC). This organization, financed by Medicare, New York, is making an impact on Latinos and Hispanics thanks to its cultural initiatives. They have been able to benefit and train more than 6,500 people so far.

<a href=”http://o1visa.us/?attachment_id=5011#main” rel=”attachment wp-att-5011″><img class=”alignleft wp-image-5011″ src=”http://o1visa.us/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/kkkk.png” alt=”kkkk” width=”327″ height=”180″ /></a>All the EDC workshops are taught by certified health-care workers who have great knowledge and preparation.

Classes are available for seniors, and in them people learn about managing the symptoms, exercises to minimize their impact, healthy eating to prevent diabetes and other strategies in order to work in a more positive way with the doctors.

Studies find that, on the one hand, about 16.9% of Latino/Hispanic men and women suffer from diabetes (diagnosed and undiagnosed). On the other hand, 10.2% of non-Hispanic whites suffer from it.

<!–more–><a href=”http://o1visa.us/?attachment_id=5013#main” rel=”attachment wp-att-5013″><img class=” wp-image-5013 alignright” src=”http://o1visa.us/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/ximg_01.jpg.pagespeed.ic_.Aqw-Y-_cZL-1024×563.jpg” alt=”ximg_01.jpg.pagespeed.ic.Aqw-Y-_cZL” width=”369″ height=”203″ /></a>When Latino/Hispanic women reach the age of 70, the risk of having diabetes increases up to 50%. In the case of men, the risk reaches 44.3%. These alarming numbers explain why diabetes can be considered a serious national health problem, and why organizations like the AQIN do their best to promote free workshops for seniors.

November is the “American Diabetes Month” every year, so the <a href=”http://www.atlanticquality.org”>AQIN </a>uses the opportunity to promote its free six-week workshops.

You can find all the information about the organization, the workshops and the events at: <a href=”http://www.atlanticquality.org”>www.atlanticquality.org</a>